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10th - 9th Kyu
From Zenkutsu-dachi Gedan-kamae
1 - Chudan Oi-zuki(step forward)
2 - Jodan Age-uke(step back)
3 - Chudan Soto-uke(step forward) 4Kokutsu-dachi Shuto-uke(step back)
5 - Gedan Barai(step forward)
Mawatte (turn around), with Kakiwake gedan kamae
6 - Mae-geri(step forward)
From Kiba-dachi
7 - Yoko ke-komi (both sides) for 10th and 9th Kyu
Gohon Kumite(Jodan Oi-tsuki, Chudan Oi-tsuki)
KATA10th Kyu) Jo-no-Kata - (9th Kyu) Heian Shodan
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